
Best photos of the month, August 2022.

Eurasian Hobby | Anna Golubeva | 37

Eurasian Hobby | Anna Golubeva | 32

Montagu's Harrier | Anna Golubeva | 28

Common Sandpiper | Svetlana Medvedeva | 27

Common Buzzard | Anna Golubeva | 26

Montagu's Harrier | Anna Golubeva | 26

Crested Tit | Anna Golubeva | 25

European Bee-eater | Anna Golubeva | 25

Spotted Crake | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 25

Cinereous Vulture | Khasan Zhurtov | 25

Eurasian Hobby | Anna Golubeva | 24

Red-necked Phalarope | Anna Golubeva | 24

Black-winged Stilt | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 24

Northern Goshawk | Anna Golubeva | 23

Eurasian Wigeon | Anna Golubeva | 23

Eurasian Wryneck | Andrei Kiselev | 23

Caucasian Snowcock | Khasan Zhurtov | 23

Little Ringed Plover | Maxim Lanin | 23

Wood Sandpiper | Igor Dvurekov | 23

Spotted Redshank | Anna Golubeva | 22

Northern Shoveler | Anna Golubeva | 22

Pallid Harrier | Anna Golubeva | 22

Griffon Vulture | Khasan Zhurtov | 22

Spotted Redshank | Maxim Lanin | 22

Great White Egret | Igor Dvurekov | 22

Northern Wren | Elena Shvydun | 22

Black-winged Stilt | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 21

Temminck's Stint | Maxim Lanin | 21

Northern Wheatear | Anna Golubeva | 20

Great Cormorant | Anna Golubeva | 20

Great White Egret | Anna Golubeva | 20

Green Sandpiper | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 20

Red-necked Phalarope | Andrei Kiselev | 20

Little Stint | Khasan Zhurtov | 20

Common Kingfisher | Andrey Semenov | 20

Grey Partridge | Igor Dvurekov | 20

Osprey | Igor Dvurekov | 20

Eurasian Three-Toed Woodpecker | Elena Shvydun | 20

Ruddy Turnstone | Igor Sikorsky | 20

Spotted Crake | Alexey Sizov | 20

Song Thrush | Anna Golubeva | 19

Common Shelduck | Anna Golubeva | 19

Red-footed Falcon | Anna Golubeva | 19

Spotted Flycatcher | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 19

Common Sandpiper | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 19

Green Sandpiper | Andrei Kiselev | 19

Common Sandpiper | Andrei Petrov | 19

Common Kingfisher | Svetlana Medvedeva | 19

Eurasian Siskin | Dmitry Erokhin | 19

Common Greenshank | Elena Shvydun | 19

Spotted Redshank | Elena Shvydun | 19

Great Grey Shrike | Anna Golubeva | 18

Northern House Martin | Anna Golubeva | 18

Grey Heron | Anna Golubeva | 18

Spotted Flycatcher | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 18

Common Kingfisher | Andrei Kiselev | 18

Chukar Partridge | Khasan Zhurtov | 18

Bluethroat | Maxim Lanin | 18

Ruff | Igor Dvurekov | 18

Red Knot | Igor Dvurekov | 18

Common Cuckoo | Svetlana Medvedeva | 18

Common Cuckoo | Svetlana Medvedeva | 18

Common Snipe | Svetlana Medvedeva | 18

Black-tailed Godwit | Elena Shvydun | 18

Eurasian Hobby | Alexandr Balaev | 18

European Nightjar | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 18

Common Chaffinch | Anna Golubeva | 17

European Robin | Anna Golubeva | 17

Black Stork | Anna Golubeva | 17

Garganey | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 17

Rock Bunting | Khasan Zhurtov | 17

Little Grebe | Khasan Zhurtov | 17

Northern Black Grouse | Alexandr Masalev | 17

Temminck's Stint | Igor Dvurekov | 17

Great White Egret | Igor Dvurekov | 17

Common Redshank | Igor Dvurekov | 17

Canada Goose | Andrei Petrov | 17

Common Buzzard | Elena Shvydun | 17

Hawfinch | Alexandr Balaev | 17

White-Backed Woodpecker | Anna Golubeva | 16

Little Grebe | Anna Golubeva | 16

Rock Pigeon | Anna Golubeva | 16

Eurasian Blackbird | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Blackcap | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Eurasian Reed Warbler | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Whinchat | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Citrine Wagtail | Maxim Lanin | 16

Common Cuckoo | Igor Dvurekov | 16

Red-footed Falcon | Elena Shvydun | 16

Eurasian Honey-Buzzard | Elena Shvydun | 16

Whiskered Tern | Aleksandr Breykin | 16

Eurasian Redstart | Alexandr Balaev | 16

Black Redstart | Alexandr Balaev | 16

Steppe Eagle | Vladimir Maer | 16

Brown Accentor | Vladimir Maer | 16

Demoiselle Crane | Victor Khamin | 16

Little Curlew | Victor Khamin | 16

Relict Gull | Victor Khamin | 16

Eurasian Golden Plover | Anna Golubeva | 15

Eurasian Redstart | Igor Shcherbakov | 15

Common Rosefinch | Khasan Zhurtov | 15

Greater Ringed Plover | Khasan Zhurtov | 15

Eurasian Three-Toed Woodpecker | Galina Katanova | 15

Willow Warbler | Igor Dvurekov | 15

Wood Sandpiper | Igor Dvurekov | 15

Little Bittern | Svetlana Medvedeva | 15

Dark-bellied Brent Goose | Dmitry Erokhin | 15

Glossy Ibis | Nataliya Pokhodzey | 15

Saker Falcon | Nataliya Pokhodzey | 15

Black Stork | Elena Shvydun | 15

Common Tern | Elena Shvydun | 15

European Greenfinch | Alexandr Balaev | 15

Middle Spotted Woodpecker | Alexandr Balaev | 15

rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

unidentified birds


Игорь Фефелов: То ли степной из числа мелкоклювых особей, то ли Годлевского... Еще есть фото?


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