
Best photos of the month, March 2024.

Red-crowned Crane / Japanese Crane | Dmitry Korobov | 25

White-naped Crane | Dmitry Korobov | 20

Goldcrest | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 20

Willow Ptarmigan | Vladimir Kuzmin | 20

Cinereous Vulture | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 19

Naumann's Thrush | Anatolii Khodakov | 19

Eurasian Dipper | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 18

Red Crossbill | Andrey Semenov | 18

Asian Rosy-Finch | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 18

Baikal Teal | Mike McRushin | 18

Black Woodpecker | Vjacheslav Liutin | 18

Red-crowned Crane / Japanese Crane | Dmitry Korobov | 18

Rook | Andrei Kiselev | 17

Ruddy Shelduck | Andrey Fedotov | 17

Peregrine Falcon | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 17

Wallcreeper | Alexey Sizov | 17

Red-crowned Crane / Japanese Crane | Dmitry Korobov | 17

Long-eared Owl | Dmitry Korobov | 16

Griffon Vulture | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Lammergeier | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Twite | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 16

Common Sandpiper | Olga Vasik | 16

Oriental Stork | Pavel Petrushin | 16

Snowy Owl | Aleksey Bolshakov | 16

Snow Goose | Dmitry Korobov | 15

Long-billed Plover | Andrey Vyalkov | 15

Rustic Bunting | Andrey Vyalkov | 15

Greater White-fronted Goose | Andrey Vyalkov | 15

Merlin | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 15

Song Thrush | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 15

Isabelline Wheatear | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 15

Wood Lark | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 15

Meadow Pipit | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 15

Long-tailed Tit | Andrei Kiselev | 15

Goosander | Andrei Kiselev | 15

Golden Eagle | Khasan Zhurtov | 15

Grey-capped Woodpecker | Denis Kochetkov | 15

Northern Parrotbill | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 15

Cetti's Warbler | Svetlana Medvedeva | 15

Peregrine Falcon | Pavel Z | 15

Long-eared Owl | Tatiana Cherkasova | 15

Common Pheasant | Mike McRushin | 15

Eurasian Dipper | Sergey Chumakov | 15

Ural Owl | ily ily | 15

Northern Goshawk | Dmitry Korobov | 14

Common Starling | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 14

Water Pipit | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 14

Baikal Teal | Irina Malykina | 14

Common Teal | Andrey Fedotov | 14

Baikal Teal | Andrey Fedotov | 14

Scaly-sided Merganser | Pavel Petrushin | 14

Smew | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 14

White-tailed Sea-Eagle | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 14

Meadow Bunting | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 14

Dunlin | Svetlana Medvedeva | 14

Common Pheasant | Inna Shchegolkova 54 | 14

White-winged Crossbill | Vladimir Kuzmin | 14

Common Starling | Elena Bobachenko | 14

Long-eared Owl | Dmitry Korobov | 13

Greater White-fronted Goose | Dmitry Korobov | 13

Chinese Grey Shrike | Dmitry Korobov | 13

Rough-legged Buzzard | Dmitry Korobov | 13

Northern Wheatear | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 13

Eurasian Blackbird | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 13

Bewick's Swan | Konstantin Tuchin | 13

Eurasian Green Woodpecker | Andrei Kiselev | 13

Common Moorhen | Olga Vasik | 13

Northern Lapwing | Irina Malykina | 13

Red-crowned Crane / Japanese Crane | Andrey Fedotov | 13

Tawny Owl | Andrey Semenov | 13

Spotted Nutcracker | Andrey Semenov | 13

Crested Tit | Andrey Semenov | 13

Firecrest | Andrey Semenov | 13

Short-toed Tree-Creeper | Andrey Semenov | 13

Northern Wren | Andrey Semenov | 13

Common Kestrel | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 13

Long-tailed Duck | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 13

Smew | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 13

Tawny Owl | Dmitrij Andreev | 13

Tawny Owl | Dmitrij Andreev | 13

Peregrine Falcon | Svetlana Morozkina62 | 13

Wood Lark | Vitaliy Butko | 13

Purple Heron | Alexey Sizov | 13

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Alexandr Balaev | 13

Eurasian Bittern | Sergei Saveika | 13

Black Woodpecker | Vadim Sinukhin | 13

White-tailed Sea-Eagle | Aleksey Bolshakov | 13

Baikal Teal | Olga Vasik | 13

Long-tailed Duck | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 13

Smew | Andrey Vyalkov | 12

Northern Lapwing | Andrey Vyalkov | 12

Hoopoe | Andrey Vyalkov | 12

Common Chiffchaff | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 12

Northern Wren | Andrei Kiselev | 12

Northern Wheatear | Khasan Zhurtov | 12

Red-crowned Crane / Japanese Crane | Olga Vasik | 12

Oriental Stork | Olga Vasik | 12

Pallas's Rosefinch | Irina Malykina | 12

Mandarin Duck | Irina Malykina | 12

Northern Goshawk | Irina Malykina | 12

White-cheeked Starling | Irina Malykina | 12

Hoopoe | Irina Malykina | 12

Rosy-cheeked Bullfinch | Alexander Rogal' | 12

Goosander | Andrey Fedotov | 12

Eurasian Linnet | Andrey Semenov | 12

Black-Necked Grebe | Andrey Semenov | 12

Song Thrush | Andrey Semenov | 12

Coal Tit | Vladislav Iopek | 12

Tufted Duck | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 12

Great Grey Shrike | Dmitrij Andreev | 12

Northern Lapwing | Svetlana Morozkina62 | 12

White-tailed Sea-Eagle | Inna Shchegolkova 54 | 12

Falcated Duck | Tatiana Cherkasova | 12

Grey Heron | Mike McRushin | 12

Eurasian Wigeon | Mike McRushin | 12

Common Stonechat | Vitaliy Butko | 12

Goldcrest | Alexandr Balaev | 12

Whooper Swan | Alexandr Balaev | 12

White Stork | Alexandr Balaev | 12

Northern Goshawk | Vadim Sinukhin | 12

Great Grey Shrike | Vadim Sinukhin | 12

Eurasian Dipper | Sergey Chumakov | 12

Great Grey Owl | Pavel Karplyuk | 12

Pallas's Rosefinch | Olga Fattakhova | 12

Red Crossbill | Vjacheslav Liutin | 12

Bean Goose | Dmitry Korobov | 11

Common Treecreeper | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 11

Common Stonechat | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 11

Water Pipit | Khasan Zhurtov | 11

Great White Egret | Olga Vasik | 11

Japanese Waxwing | Irina Malykina | 11

White-naped Crane | Irina Malykina | 11

Falcated Duck | Andrey Fedotov | 11

Greater White-fronted Goose | Andrey Fedotov | 11

Far Eastern Curlew | Andrey Fedotov | 11

Hoary Redpoll | Galina Katanova | 11

Northern Bullfinch | Galina Katanova | 11

Northern Goshawk | Andrey Semenov | 11

Greater Scaup | Andrey Semenov | 11

Slender-billed Gull | Andrey Semenov | 11

Northern Shoveler | Andrey Semenov | 11

Dunlin | Andrey Semenov | 11

European Robin | Andrey Semenov | 11

Grey-Headed Woodpecker | Andrey Semenov | 11

Greater White-fronted Goose | Andrey Semenov | 11

Tufted Duck | Anatolii Khodakov | 11

Scaly-sided Merganser | Pavel Petrushin | 11

Glaucous Gull | Arseniy Markiv | 11

Great Crested Grebe | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 11

Yellowhammer | Igor Dvurekov | 11

Dunnock | Elena Shvydun | 11

Black Redstart | Elena Shvydun | 11

Bewick's Swan | Marina Irzhevskaya | 11

Eurasian Green Woodpecker | Aleksandr Breykin | 11

Common Kestrel | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Greater White-fronted Goose | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Tawny Owl | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Willow Tit | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Eurasian Siskin | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Long-tailed Tit | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Eurasian Blackbird | Alexandr Balaev | 11

Tawny Owl | Vadim Sinukhin | 11

Ruddy Shelduck | Vadim Sinukhin | 11

Hooded Crow | Vadim Sinukhin | 11

Eurasian Goldfinch | Vadim Sinukhin | 11

Common Redpoll | Vladimir Kuzmin | 11

Siberian Accentor | Aleksey Bolshakov | 11

Hoopoe | Irina Malykina | 11

Northern Goshawk | Andrey Semenov | 11

Long-tailed Duck | Konstantin Gorodischenko | 11

Ural Owl | ily ily | 11

rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

unidentified birds


Игорь Фефелов: То ли степной из числа мелкоклювых особей, то ли Годлевского... Еще есть фото?


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