
Best photos of the month, May 2017.

Little Crake | Evgeniy Sofronov | 9

Northern Black Grouse | Galina Katanova | 8

Menetries Warbler | Alexander Yakovlev | 7

Corncrake | Evgeniy Sofronov | 7

Willow Warbler | Andrei Kiselev | 6

Ortolan Bunting | Evgeniy Sofronov | 6

Bearded Tit | Alexei Ebel | 6

Carrion Crow | Igor Latysh | 6

Common Kingfisher | Evgeniy Sofronov | 6

Corncrake | Evgeniy Sofronov | 6

Ring Ouzel | Anna Golubeva | 5

Eurasian Honey-Buzzard | Anna Golubeva | 5

Spotted Flycatcher | Igor Shcherbakov | 5

Common Kestrel | Alexei Ebel | 5

Red-throated Thrush | Alexei Ebel | 5

Spotted Crake | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 5

Red-footed Falcon | Igor Latysh | 5

Spotted Crake | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | 5

Eastern Imperial Eagle | Alexei Ebel | 5

Common Sparrowhawk | Yulia Kashinskaya | 5

Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush | Alexander Yakovlev | 4

Hybrid (Red-head x Black-head) Bunting | Anna Golubeva | 4

Song Thrush | Ekaterina Zvereva | 4

Long-eared Owl | Andrei Kiselev | 4

Common Raven | Dmitry Pozharsky | 4

Pied Flycatcher | Dmitry Pozharsky | 4

Bluethroat | Dmitry Pozharsky | 4

Citrine Wagtail | Dmitry Khrushchev | 4

Eastern Imperial Eagle | Alexei Ebel | 4

Dalmatian Pelican | Alexei Ebel | 4

Eurasian Wryneck | Sergey Chumakov | 4

Common Treecreeper | Sergey Chumakov | 4

Northern House Martin | Sergey Chumakov | 4

Pacific Golden Plover | Mishail Belousow | 4

Swinhoe's Snipe | Andrey Chernykh | 4

Northern Hazelhen | Ruslan Kirillin | 4

Red-footed Falcon | Andrey Semenov | 4

Booted Eagle | Sergey Chumakov | 4

Yellow Wagtail | Sergey Chumakov | 4

Coal Tit | Sergey Chumakov | 4

Northern Black Grouse | Galina Katanova | 4



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rare birds records

Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus)

© Ludmila Golik

A rare case of the successful prey by a hen harrier on a feral pigeon.

Black-throated Thrush (Turdus atrogularis)

© Alexandr Balaev
Moskov Region, Izmalkovo

Black-throated x Red-throated Hybrid Thrush (Turdus (atrogularis x ruficollis))

© Katya Tsekhmister

The first record of a thrush with features of the Red-throated Thrush in the Tyumen'Region.

Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)

© Maxim Afanasiev

The latest registration and the first wintering trial of the species in Yakutia.

unidentified birds


Сергей Л. Волков: Да. Судя по хвосту, с обыкновенным жуланом.


Дмитрий Шевцов: Красношейная поганка

more unidentified birds...