

Brown Shrike

Lanius cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Сибирский жулан
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2024-05-07 = 2024-06-17
2023-05-06 = 2023-09-09
2022-05-07 = 2022-09-10
2021-05-07 = 2021-09-11
2020-05-11 = 2020-10-03
2019-05-03 = 2019-09-15
2018-05-14 = 2018-08-26
2017-05-22 = 2017-08-19
2016-05-21 = 2016-08-30
2015-05-16 = 2015-08-18
2014-05-19 = 2014-08-26
2013-07-09 = 2013-07-10
2011-07-16 = 2011-07-29

2015-08-18 | Pribaikalski res., Baikal | Vadim Ivushkin | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-16 | Bakchar. Tomskaya oblast. | Mishail Belousow | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-15 | Irkutska obl., Bratskoe vodohranilishhe, r-n p. Birit | Alexandr Belyaev | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-11 | g. Irkutsk, naberezhnaja Angary | Alexandr Belyaev | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-11 | g. Irkutsk,pojma r. Irkut | Alexandr Belyaev | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-08 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-06 | Kultuk, Baikal reg. | Vadim Ivushkin | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-05 | | Anna Vasilchenko | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-03 | Bodaibo, Irkutsk region | Sergey L. Volkov | Lanius cristatus

2015-08-01 | Kemerovo region, Juravlevo | Dmitry Dubikovskiy | Lanius cristatus

2015-07-18 | Tomsk Region, Tomsk | Egor Dyachenko | Lanius cristatus

2015-07-17 | Vostochnye Sayani, Bolshoy Sayan, r. Tissa. | Denis Kochetkov | Lanius cristatus

2015-07-17 | | Igor Latysh | Lanius cristatus

2015-07-16 | | Veronika Zaeva | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-27 | | Andrey Vyalkov | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-24 | | Ivan Aianitov | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-21 | | Aleksandr Gontcharov | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-15 | near Yakutsk, Yakutiya (Saha) | Vadim Ivushkin | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-12 | Onguday Region Respublika Altai | Vladimir Pankratov | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-09 | Hingan reservate, Amur region | Ilya Ukolov | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-08 | Zabaikalie | Vadim Ivushkin | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-08 | | Galina Shepeleva | Lanius cristatus

2015-06-01 | Vitimsky nature reserve, Northern Transbaikalia | Sergey L. Volkov | Lanius cristatus

2015-05-26 | Amur region, Arkharinskiy district, Khingan reserve | Denis Kochetkov | Lanius cristatus

2015-05-26 | Zeyskiy reserve Amur region | Alexander Yakovlev | Lanius cristatus

2015-05-25 | Sibirtsevo, Chernigovskiy rayon, Primorskiy kray, at (44.2051, 132.4161) | Albert Lastukhin | Lanius cristatus

2015-05-24 | Zeya Amur region | Alexander Yakovlev | Lanius cristatus

2015-05-18 | Bolshoi Pelis Is. | Yuri Gluschenko | Lanius cristatus

2015-05-16 | Zeyskiy reserve Amur region | Alexander Yakovlev | Lanius cristatus


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Николай Харин: ага, спасибо.


Игорь Фефелов: Гнездятся-то на прижимах и восточный, и западный, и сибирский воронок. В Т.долине есть все три .


Александр Любимов: К сожалению нет. Долго сидела на воде, в полёте её не застал.

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