

Ruddy Turnstone

Arenaria interpres (Linnaeus, 1758)

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2024-01-14 = 2024-06-04
2023-01-21 = 2023-09-25
2022-04-20 = 2022-10-02
2021-03-23 = 2021-09-08
2020-05-08 = 2020-09-13
2019-01-02 = 2019-09-24
2018-01-24 = 2018-12-30
2017-04-19 = 2017-09-07
2016-05-13 = 2016-09-24
2015-05-22 = 2015-08-01
2014-06-27 = 2014-08-30
2013-08-02 = 2013-09-27
2012-05-27 = 2012-08-28
2005-06-19 = 2005-08-15

2016-09-24 | | Evgeniy Sofronov | Arenaria interpres

2016-09-23 | | Radik Kutushev | Arenaria interpres

2016-09-11 | Petrozavodsk | Dmitry Erokhin | Arenaria interpres

2016-09-03 | Chukotskiy AO, Chukchi peninsula, Chaplina Cape | Maksim Antipin | Arenaria interpres

2016-09-02 | Malkovo, Kupinskiy Raion, Novosibirskaya Oblast. | Sergey Pisarevskiy | Arenaria interpres

2016-08-28 | | Albert Lastukhin | Arenaria interpres

2016-08-27 | | Alexei Ebel | Arenaria interpres

2016-08-18 | | Vladimir Maer | Arenaria interpres

2016-08-18 | Koch-Agaz, Respublika Altai | Nina Bredihina | Arenaria interpres

2016-08-18 | Koch-Agaz, Respublika Altai | Nina Bredihina | Arenaria interpres

2016-08-11 | Primorsky Krai | Tamara Pryadun | Arenaria interpres

2016-07-25 | Bely Island, YNAO. | Dmitry Nizovtsev | Arenaria interpres

2016-07-13 | | Mikhail Kalagin | Arenaria interpres

2016-07-11 | Kotlasskiy rayon,Arkhangelsk region | Andrey Prokhorov | Arenaria interpres

2016-06-17 | | Maxim Afanasiev | Arenaria interpres

2016-06-08 | Arxangelskaya oblast beloe more | Valeriya Danilova | Arenaria interpres

2016-06-06 | | Ilya Ukolov | Arenaria interpres

2016-05-30 | Tiiva Republic, Tandii region, Khadiin lake | Elena Shnayder | Arenaria interpres

2016-05-13 | Kalmykia, Lake Manych | Anna Golubeva | Arenaria interpres


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Андрей Бородкин: Выглянул в окно и увидел группу птиц летевших со стороны р. Енисей в восточнов направлении на большой высоте, пока достал фотоаппарат, момент [....]


Николай Харин: ага, спасибо.


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