

White Stork

Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758)

Белый аист
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2024-02-17 = 2024-06-22
2023-03-15 = 2023-09-26
2022-03-29 = 2022-08-15
2021-01-24 = 2021-08-12
2020-01-17 = 2020-10-01
2019-03-31 = 2019-11-09
2018-04-08 = 2018-09-11
2017-04-18 = 2017-10-06
2016-03-26 = 2016-08-08
2015-04-09 = 2015-08-21
2014-04-08 = 2014-05-03
2013-05-02 = 2013-07-25
2011-05-21 = 2011-07-21
2010-05-04 = 2010-06-04
2009-04-14 = 2009-07-18

2018-09-11 | North Osetia, Chermen | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-08-30 | North Osetia, Chermen | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-08-28 | North Osetia, Chermen | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-08-27 | North Osetia, Chermen | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-08-22 | | Anna Golubeva | Ciconia ciconia

2018-07-25 | Baklanovo village, Demidov district, Smolensk region | Dmitry Belyaev | Ciconia ciconia

2018-07-22 | Kaluga region, near Makovitsi village | Julia Abramova | Ciconia ciconia

2018-07-13 | Lotoshinsky district. Moscow region | Sergey Simonov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-07-13 | Dory, Lotoshinsky, Mosovsraya | Valerij Yasinsky | Ciconia ciconia

2018-06-28 | | Maxim Lanin | Ciconia ciconia

2018-06-21 | Kaliningrad region | Tatiana Dudarenko | Ciconia ciconia

2018-06-02 | Ryazan region, Starozhilovsky rayon, s. Luchinsk | Elena Valova | Ciconia ciconia

2018-06-02 | | Gleb Kirillov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-05-19 | | Igor Dvurekov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-05-05 | Moscow region, village Chasch | Leonid Shurov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-04-29 | | Marina Nikonorova | Ciconia ciconia

2018-04-27 | | Maxim Lanin | Ciconia ciconia

2018-04-14 | | Andrey Semenov | Ciconia ciconia

2018-04-11 | | Anna Golubeva | Ciconia ciconia

2018-04-08 | Zaymishche, Bryansk oblast | Sergey Shursha | Ciconia ciconia

2018-04-08 | | Ekaterina Fedotova | Ciconia ciconia


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Игорь Фефелов: Гнездятся-то на прижимах и восточный, и западный, и сибирский воронок. В Т.долине есть все три .


Александр Любимов: К сожалению нет. Долго сидела на воде, в полёте её не застал.


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