

Taiga Flycatcher

Ficedula albicilla (Pallas, 1811)

Восточная малая мухоловка
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2024-04-27 = 2024-05-26
2023-05-03 = 2023-10-14
2022-05-05 = 2022-10-13
2021-05-08 = 2021-10-23
2020-05-05 = 2020-09-20
2019-05-09 = 2019-09-23
2018-05-12 = 2018-08-28
2017-05-12 = 2017-08-26
2016-05-06 = 2016-10-18
2015-05-07 = 2015-09-01
2014-05-18 = 2014-09-06
2013-06-20 = 2013-09-02
2008-05-09 = 2008-06-01

2014-09-06 | | Mihail Ivanov | Ficedula albicilla

2014-07-09 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-07-09 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-07-09 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-07-09 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-07-09 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-06-26 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-06-22 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-06-06 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-06-04 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla

2014-05-18 | | Sergey Chumakov | Ficedula albicilla

2014-05-18 | Zeyskiy zapovednik Amurland | Alexander Yakovlev | Ficedula albicilla


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Андрей Бородкин: Выглянул в окно и увидел группу птиц летевших со стороны р. Енисей в восточнов направлении на большой высоте, пока достал фотоаппарат, момент [....]


Николай Харин: ага, спасибо.


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