

Common Quail

Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758)

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2024-05-07 = 2024-06-16
2023-01-01 = 2023-09-20
2022-05-21 = 2022-12-13
2021-04-22 = 2021-10-22
2020-05-12 = 2020-09-12
2019-04-24 = 2019-09-17
2018-05-06 = 2018-09-09
2017-05-12 = 2017-09-24
2016-05-28 = 2016-07-26
2015-06-20 = 2015-07-03
2014-06-10 = 2014-07-02

2023-09-20 | Kosh-Agach district, Altai Republic | Andrey Bazdyrev | Coturnix coturnix

2023-09-01 | North Osetia, Ardon | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-08-03 | Stanitsa Vasyurinskaya, Krasnodarskiy Kray | Aleksandr Breykin | Coturnix coturnix

2023-07-16 | Mayma | Pavel Karplyuk | Coturnix coturnix

2023-07-16 | | Vladimir Kulikov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-07-05 | Kyzbass | Elena Kleymenova | Coturnix coturnix

2023-07-02 | | Vladimir Kulikov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-26 | Kyzbass | Elena Kleymenova | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-26 | Kyzbass | Elena Kleymenova | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-25 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-19 | Kyzbass | Elena Kleymenova | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-18 | Altay kray | Vladimir Pankratov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-15 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Coturnix coturnix

2023-06-12 | | Andrey Chernykh | Coturnix coturnix

2023-05-28 | Opukskyi Nature Reserve, Crimea | Igor Sikorsky | Coturnix coturnix

2023-05-24 | Altai Territory, Biysk | Vladimir Pankratov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-05-22 | | Svetlana Shavykina | Coturnix coturnix

2023-05-12 | | Andrey Semenov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-05-07 | | Alexey Sizov | Coturnix coturnix

2023-04-16 | | Vitaliy Butko | Coturnix coturnix

2023-01-01 | Vladislavovka, Crimea | Igor Sikorsky | Coturnix coturnix


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