

Water Pipit

Anthus spinoletta (Linnaeus, 1758)

Горный конёк
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2024-01-24 = 2024-06-05
2023-03-31 = 2023-10-08
2022-04-10 = 2022-10-10
2021-02-26 = 2021-10-16
2020-03-20 = 2020-10-18
2019-04-07 = 2019-10-28
2018-04-04 = 2018-11-05
2017-04-02 = 2017-10-07
2016-03-31 = 2016-11-06
2015-04-14 = 2015-08-15
2014-05-23 = 2014-07-24
2013-06-06 = 2013-10-06
2012-05-07 = 2012-06-01

2024-06-05 | | Olga Fattakhova | Anthus spinoletta

2024-05-19 | | Nina Shteinbrenner | Anthus spinoletta

2024-05-10 | Respublika Altay | Vladimir Pankratov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-05-08 | North Osetia, Chmi | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-05-07 | Krasnoyarsk | Nadia Goncharova | Anthus spinoletta

2024-05-01 | | Aleksey Bolshakov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-29 | ALTAi | Elena Kleymenova | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-29 | ALTAi | Elena Kleymenova | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-29 | ALTAi | Elena Kleymenova | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-23 | | Sergey Chumakov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-19 | | Olga Fattakhova | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-17 | Altay kray, Novotyryshkino | Vladimir Pankratov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-16 | Ongyday | Pavel Karplyuk | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-14 | Krasnovka, Crimea | Igor Sikorsky | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-14 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Anthus spinoletta

2024-04-09 | Estosadok | Alexandr Lyubimov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-03-31 | Bezengi, KBR | Khasan Zhurtov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-03-31 | Bezengi, KBR | Khasan Zhurtov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-03-26 | North Osetia, Balta | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Anthus spinoletta

2024-01-24 | Karabudakhkent district, Dagestan | Andrey Bazdyrev | Anthus spinoletta


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Алексей Большаков: восточный воронок или городская ласточка? в птицы в гнезде явно не белый низ и это не тени. локация тоже подходящая для воронка-горная часть [....]


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