

Sabine's Gull

Xema sabini (Sabine, 1819)

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2005-07-10 = 2023-06-26

2023-06-26 | Chukotka, S. Meynypilgyno | Dmitry Nizovtsev | Xema sabini

2021-09-25 | Krasnoyarsk region | Nikita Yablokov | Xema sabini

2020-08-22 | Bering Sea | Dmitry Korobov | Xema sabini

2019-07-05 | Chukotka, ostrov Aiopecan | Valeriya Danilova | Xema sabini

2019-06-16 | Chukotka, ostrov Aiopecan | Valeriya Danilova | Xema sabini

2016-08-27 | Chukotskiy AO, Chukchi peninsula, Chaplina Cape | Maksim Antipin | Xema sabini

2016-08-11 | Laptev Sea Coast near the mouth of Pronchishcheva Bay | Sergey Vazhov | Xema sabini

2015-07-30 | Geologist Bay, Big Begichev Island | Alexander Hellquist | Xema sabini

2014-07-28 | Island Big Begicheva. Laptev Sea | Andrey Semenov | Xema sabini

2014-07-24 | Bely Island, YNAO. | Dmitry Nizovtsev | Xema sabini

2009-06-29 | Chukotka, Ritkuchi, Aiopechan island | Valery Shokhrin | Xema sabini

2006-07-15 | Lena Delta | Sergey Volkov | Xema sabini

2005-07-10 | Chukotka, Chaun lowland | Denis Kochetkov | Xema sabini


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