
Common Cuckoo

Cuculus canorus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Обыкновенная кукушка
© Nadejda Popova

all photos of serie (clickable):

author: Nadejda Popova
location: Irkutsk
date: 2020-06-13
equipment: Canon 700D
2020-08-19. Henri:

I'm an ethical hacker from Finland! I came across your website and found that your website is vulnerable to the Cross-site scripting attack (XSS for short), this is a very serious vulnerability that may lead to your website's data being stolen, i'm not asking for money I just wanted to inform you, although a hacker would have no reason to take down this website, you should still look into this, this could lead to all of the passwords of this website getting out.

This isn't urgent but so no need to panic but still thought it would be good to notify you

Have a nice day!

secret code

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