
Azure Tit

Parus cyanus (Pallas, 1770)

Белая лазоревка
© Vladimir Maer

all photos of serie (clickable):

author: Vladimir Maer
date: 2015-03-21
equipment: Pentax K5-II
2020-11-30. Amaury Vanlaer:

Hello !
We are 2 students from Belgium who are studying Biology at the ULB.
We would like to use your picture about the azure tit (the one who's flying between the branches) for a university report about Nature.
This will be only used to illustrate this report and seen by us and the teacher.
Of course, you will be cite under your picture and if you want we can give you a copy of this document, when it's ready.
Best regards,
Amaury Vanlaer

2020-11-30. Владимир Маер:

Hello! Of course, you can use this snapshot for this purpose. It would be nice to receive a copy of this document as a souvenir by e-mail I can also offer this snapshot, if it comes in handy: Sincerely , Vladimir Mayer.

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