470 113
1 048
blog posts
719 photographed species of 836 (86%)


Levashkin Aleksey

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map of photoshootings

total species: 37
total photos: 58
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Northern Bullfinch (2011-02-18)
2. Azure Tit (2011-06-05)
3. Great Tit (2012-02-14)
4. Northern Hawk Owl (2012-03-03)
5. Great Grey Owl (2012-06-15)
6. Barred Warbler (2013-05-26)
7. Common Swift (2013-07-13)
8. Tawny Owl (2014-05-07)
9. Booted Warbler (2014-05-26)
11. Water Rail (2014-06-02)
12. Bearded Tit (2014-07-05)
13. Little Crake (2014-07-05)
14. European Robin (2014-10-23)
15. Northern Wren (2014-10-25)
16. Rough-legged Buzzard (2015-02-18)
17. Eurasian Jay (2015-05-03)
18. Common Starling (2015-05-08)
19. Ural Owl (2015-05-11)
20. Eurasian Penduline Tit (2015-05-16)
21. Montagu's Harrier (2015-05-17)
22. Common Treecreeper (2015-05-22)
23. Northern Lapwing (2015-05-24)
24. Northern Shoveler (2015-05-24)
25. Black Kite (2015-05-24)
26. Grey Heron (2015-05-27)
27. Common Sparrowhawk (2015-05-27)
28. Caspian Plover (2015-05-28)
29. Sedge Warbler (2015-05-30)
30. Eurasian Roller (2015-06-01)
31. Common Kingfisher (2015-06-01)
32. Eurasian Honey-Buzzard (2015-06-01)
33. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (2015-06-08)
34. Short-eared Owl (2015-06-10)
35. Long-eared Owl (2015-07-03)
36. Eurasian Scops-Owl (2015-07-17)
37. Greater Flamingo (2015-10-29)

recent uploads

2016-04-28. Black Kite.

2016-04-22. Water Rail, Northern Wren, Western Grasshopper Warbler, Common Starling, Short-eared Owl, Greater Flamingo, Sedge Warbler, Montagu's Harrier, Northern Shoveler.

2016-04-10. Eurasian Roller, Booted Warbler, Long-eared Owl, Barred Warbler, Northern Lapwing.

2016-04-03. Caspian Plover, Eurasian Honey-Buzzard, Eurasian Penduline Tit, Eurasian Scops-Owl, Common Treecreeper, Ural Owl, Bearded Tit, Northern Hawk Owl, Common Kingfisher, Northern Bullfinch, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, European Robin, Common Sparrowhawk, Grey Heron, Great Tit, Great Grey Owl, Great Grey Owl, Northern Wren, Little Crake, Tawny Owl, Azure Tit, Eurasian Jay, Rough-legged Buzzard.

2016-03-29. Common Swift.

recent comments

2022-04-10. to photo # 00040002601 (Booted Warbler)

Владимир: Мидел в НН возможно такое.? Покрупнее воробья. Не кормяца, а как бы играют.!!!

2018-12-02. to photo # 00040000701 (Ural Owl)

Дмитрий Ерохин: Замечтательно !

2017-10-17. to photo # 00040000901 (Northern Hawk Owl)

Станислав Губин: Великолепный экспрессивный кадр!)

2017-10-17. to photo # 00040003401 (Short-eared Owl)

Станислав Губин: Алексей, здравствуйте! У меня маленькая просьба!) Можно использовать несколько Ваших фотографий сов? Мы в Мордовском заповеднике делаем несколько [....]

2016-05-06. to photo # 00040003901 (Black Kite)

коля: Чёрный коршун

rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-06-24. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-19. Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova).

2024-06-17. Icterine Warbler (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-09. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-05. Northern Wren (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-04. Red-billed Chough (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-22. Thrush Nightingale (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-16. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Sergei Saveika).

2024-05-06. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-28. European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin), European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-04-22. Common Sparrowhawk (Sergei Saveika).

2024-04-13. Carrion Crow (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-04. Bohemian Waxwing (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-03-31. Steller's Sea-eagle (Konstantin Pupkin).

more video...

unidentified birds


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Игорь Фефелов: Надхвостье там непонятно, то ли видно, то ли нет. Но переложить в неопределенные пока надо.


Анна Ясько: Тогда сложно сказать... Мне больше средиземноморскую напоминает.


Андрей Бородкин: Спасибо за разъяснение.


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more unidentified birds...