470 027
1 048
blog posts
719 photographed species of 836 (86%)


Berezkina Tatiana

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map of photoshootings

total species: 70
total photos: 161
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Brambling (2021-10-03)
2. Common Treecreeper (2022-01-15)
3. Northern Hazelhen (2022-04-06)
4. Stock Pigeon (2022-04-09)
5. Coal Tit (2022-04-29)
6. Wood Pigeon (2022-05-01)
7. Eurasian Jackdaw (2022-05-03)
8. Common Sandpiper (2022-05-14)
9. Rook (2022-05-14)
10. Common Swift (2022-05-29)
11. Common Rosefinch (2022-06-17)
12. Short-eared Owl (2022-06-24)
13. Great White Egret (2022-06-25)
14. Great Cormorant (2022-06-25)
15. Northern Wheatear (2022-06-29)
16. European Golden Oriole (2022-07-06)
17. Grey Heron (2022-07-22)
18. Eurasian Honey-Buzzard (2022-08-20)
19. Common Sparrowhawk (2022-09-29)
20. Crested Tit (2023-02-16)
21. Bohemian Waxwing (2023-02-16)
22. Eurasian Goldfinch (2023-04-01)
23. Goldcrest (2023-04-02)
24. Redwing (2023-04-02)
25. Eurasian Wigeon (2023-04-03)
26. European Robin (2023-04-03)
27. Long-tailed Tit (2023-04-05)
29. Eurasian Green Woodpecker (2023-04-19)
30. Eurasian Siskin (2023-04-19)
31. Black Woodpecker (2023-04-19)
32. Northern Reed Bunting (2023-04-19)
33. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2023-04-23)
34. Eurasian Blackbird (2023-04-23)
35. Black Redstart (2023-04-23)
36. Yellow Wagtail (2023-04-29)
37. Northern Lapwing (2023-04-29)
38. Great Crested Grebe (2023-04-29)
39. Northern Shoveler (2023-04-29)
40. Azure Tit (2023-04-29)
41. Hawfinch (2023-05-01)
42. Black Kite (2023-05-01)
43. Eurasian Wryneck (2023-05-05)
44. Mew Gull (2023-05-05)
45. Mute Swan (2023-05-07)
46. Common Starling (2023-05-09)
47. European Greenfinch (2023-05-13)
48. Garganey (2023-05-16)
49. Common Teal (2023-05-16)
50. Blyth's Reed Warbler (2023-05-17)
51. Eurasian Hobby (2023-05-17)
52. Fieldfare (2023-05-18)
53. Wood Warbler (2023-05-18)
54. Common Goldeneye (2023-05-18)
55. Gadwall (2023-05-18)
56. Pied Flycatcher (2023-05-25)
57. Booted Warbler (2023-05-28)
58. Eurasian Nuthatch (2023-06-04)
59. Blue Tit (2023-06-04)
60. Red-backed Shrike (2023-06-27)
61. Whinchat (2023-06-27)
62. Northern House Martin (2023-06-27)
63. Hooded Crow (2023-06-29)
64. Barn Swallow (2023-07-06)
65. Tree Pipit (2023-07-11)
66. Eurasian Redstart (2023-07-12)
67. Spotted Flycatcher (2023-07-20)
68. Black-Billed Magpie (2023-07-22)
69. Tree Sparrow (2023-07-24)
70. Common Buzzard (2023-08-26)

recent uploads

2023-11-12. Eurasian Redstart, Hooded Crow.

2023-08-26. Common Buzzard.

2023-07-25. Tree Sparrow, Spotted Flycatcher, Black-Billed Magpie, Eurasian Nuthatch, European Robin, Blue Tit.

2023-07-20. Grey Heron.

2023-07-17. Wood Pigeon.

2023-07-11. Common Sandpiper, Common Swift, Tree Pipit, Common Swift, Barn Swallow.

2023-06-29. Northern House Martin, Mute Swan.

2023-06-27. Red-backed Shrike, Whinchat, Northern Wheatear, Northern Lapwing.

2023-05-29. Pied Flycatcher, Mew Gull, Eurasian Honey-Buzzard, Common Sparrowhawk, Common Treecreeper, Stock Pigeon, Coal Tit, Northern Wheatear, Bohemian Waxwing, Common Rosefinch.

2023-05-28. Booted Warbler, Fieldfare, Great Cormorant, Great Crested Grebe, Great White Egret, Short-eared Owl, Wood Pigeon, Eurasian Jackdaw, Rook.

2023-05-27. Long-tailed Tit, Redwing, Eurasian Green Woodpecker, European Greenfinch, Wood Warbler, Northern Hazelhen, Eurasian Siskin, Black Woodpecker, Eurasian Goldfinch, Grey Heron, European Golden Oriole, Brambling, Crested Tit, Hawfinch, Yellow Wagtail.

2023-05-26. Black Redstart, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Northern Reed Bunting, Common Starling, Eurasian Hobby, Black Kite.

2023-05-24. Blyth's Reed Warbler, Gadwall, Common Teal, Greater White-fronted Goose, Azure Tit, Garganey, Eurasian Wryneck, Goldcrest, Eurasian Wigeon, Common Goldeneye, Northern Shoveler, Northern Lapwing, Eurasian Blackbird.

recent comments

2023-06-01. to photo # 05080003604 (Booted Warbler)

Галина Катанова: бормотушка

2023-05-30. to photo # 05080004701 (Eurasian Honey-Buzzard)

Дмитрий Ерохин: ЗамечТательно !

2023-05-26. to photo # 05080002001 (Black Kite)

Татьяна Берёзкина: спасибо

2023-05-26. to photo # 05080002001 (Black Kite)

Алдияр Сапарбаев: Черный коршун.

rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-06-24. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-19. Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova).

2024-06-17. Icterine Warbler (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-09. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-05. Northern Wren (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-04. Red-billed Chough (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-22. Thrush Nightingale (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-16. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Sergei Saveika).

2024-05-06. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-28. European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin), European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-04-22. Common Sparrowhawk (Sergei Saveika).

2024-04-13. Carrion Crow (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-04. Bohemian Waxwing (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-03-31. Steller's Sea-eagle (Konstantin Pupkin).

more video...

unidentified birds


Владимир Панкратов: Да, конечно, я попутал, решил, что это мое фото. А так мы вместе с Павлом его снимали.


Игорь Фефелов: Надхвостье там непонятно, то ли видно, то ли нет. Но переложить в неопределенные пока надо.


Анна Ясько: Тогда сложно сказать... Мне больше средиземноморскую напоминает.


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