470 019
1 048
blog posts
719 photographed species of 836 (86%)


Kravchenko Vitaly&Nataly

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map of photoshootings

total species: 114
total photos: 296
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2020-10-18)
2. Grey-Headed Woodpecker (2020-10-24)
3. Eurasian Nuthatch (2020-10-24)
5. Hawfinch (2020-11-04)
6. Great Tit (2020-11-04)
7. Common Redpoll (2020-11-05)
8. Common Treecreeper (2020-11-07)
9. Northern Bullfinch (2020-11-07)
10. Tree Sparrow (2020-11-08)
11. Willow Tit (2020-11-08)
12. Eurasian Goldfinch (2020-11-13)
13. Rough-legged Buzzard (2020-11-22)
14. Daurian Partridge (2020-11-24)
15. Upland Buzzard (2020-12-26)
16. Rock Pigeon (2021-01-03)
17. Long-tailed Tit (2021-01-09)
18. Carrion Crow (2021-01-09)
19. Azure-winged Magpie (2021-01-09)
20. Merlin (2021-01-17)
21. Mallard (2021-02-09)
22. Common Goldeneye (2021-02-09)
23. Baikal Bullfinch (2021-02-11)
24. Long-tailed Rosefinch (2021-02-13)
25. Godlewski's Bunting (2021-02-17)
26. Black-Billed Magpie (2021-02-19)
27. Common Raven (2021-02-22)
28. Red-breasted Merganser (2021-02-22)
29. Goosander (2021-02-22)
30. Northern Hawk Owl (2021-02-23)
31. Bohemian Waxwing (2021-02-25)
32. Brambling (2021-03-04)
33. Fieldfare (2021-03-07)
34. Common Kestrel (2021-03-08)
35. Eurasian Jay (2021-03-24)
36. Common Sparrowhawk (2021-04-02)
37. Black-headed Gull (2021-04-06)
38. Eastern Buzzard (2021-04-10)
39. Great Cormorant (2021-04-10)
40. White Wagtail (2021-04-10)
41. Common Chaffinch (2021-05-03)
42. Vega Gull (2021-05-04)
43. Masked Wagtail (2021-05-04)
44. Northern House Martin (2021-05-04)
45. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (2021-05-04)
46. Yellow Wagtail (2021-05-04)
47. Common Starling (2021-05-04)
48. Black Kite (2021-05-05)
49. Demoiselle Crane (2021-05-05)
50. Short-eared Owl (2021-05-05)
51. Tree Pipit (2021-05-06)
52. Pied Wheatear (2021-05-06)
53. Hill Pigeon (2021-05-06)
54. Sky Lark (2021-05-07)
55. Northern Wheatear (2021-05-07)
56. Siberian Stonechat (2021-05-07)
57. Northern Pintail (2021-05-07)
58. Bewick's Swan (2021-05-07)
59. Grey Heron (2021-05-07)
60. Northern Shoveler (2021-05-07)
61. Citrine Wagtail (2021-05-07)
62. Hen Harrier (2021-05-09)
63. Gadwall (2021-05-10)
64. Eurasian Redstart (2021-05-10)
65. Red-throated Thrush (2021-05-10)
66. Common Chiffchaff (2021-05-10)
67. Coal Tit (2021-05-10)
68. Green Sandpiper (2021-05-10)
69. Garganey (2021-05-10)
70. Bluethroat (2021-05-10)
71. Common Sandpiper (2021-05-13)
72. Red Crossbill (2021-05-15)
73. Taiga Flycatcher (2021-05-16)
74. Brown Shrike (2021-05-23)
75. Lesser Whitethroat (2021-06-02)
76. Chestnut Bunting (2021-06-02)
77. Common Moorhen (2021-06-02)
78. Tufted Duck (2021-06-02)
79. Common Tern (2021-06-03)
80. Yellow-breasted Bunting (2021-06-04)
81. Common Coot (2021-06-05)
82. Eastern Marsh-harrier (2021-06-05)
83. Northern Reed Bunting (2021-06-05)
84. House Sparrow (2021-06-10)
85. Greenish Warbler (2021-06-10)
86. Ruddy Shelduck (2021-06-20)
87. Barn Swallow (2021-06-20)
88. Common Rosefinch (2021-06-20)
89. Slavonian Grebe (2021-06-20)
90. Eurasian Wryneck (2021-06-20)
91. Pine Bunting (2021-06-20)
92. Little Ringed Plover (2021-07-04)
93. Asian Rosy-Finch (2022-01-05)
94. Eurasian Dipper (2022-01-08)
95. Yellowhammer (2022-01-23)
96. Hooded Crow (2022-01-31)
97. Smew (2022-03-27)
98. Long-tailed Duck (2022-03-27)
99. Azure Tit (2022-04-05)
100. Common Crane (2022-04-07)
101. Common Pochard (2022-05-02)
102. Common Teal (2022-05-02)
103. Greater White-fronted Goose (2022-05-02)
104. Bean Goose (2022-05-02)
105. Northern Lapwing (2022-05-02)
106. Eurasian Wigeon (2023-04-13)
107. Rustic Bunting (2023-04-20)
108. Northern Goshawk (2023-04-21)
109. Little Bunting (2023-05-12)
110. Ural Owl (2023-11-07)
111. Pine Grosbeak (2023-11-10)
112. Ruff (2024-05-17)
113. Wood Sandpiper (2024-05-17)
114. Long-toed Stint (2024-05-17)

recent uploads

2024-05-19. Eastern Marsh-harrier, Ruff, Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint.

2023-11-11. Azure-winged Magpie, Pine Grosbeak.

2023-11-08. Ural Owl.

2023-05-13. Little Bunting.

2023-04-29. Red-throated Thrush.

2023-04-22. Northern Goshawk, Rustic Bunting.

2023-04-20. Rustic Bunting.

2023-04-15. Eurasian Wigeon.

2022-05-02. Pine Bunting, Common Raven, Pine Bunting, Common Pochard, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, Common Teal, Greater White-fronted Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, Common Coot, Northern Shoveler, Bean Goose, Northern Lapwing.

2022-04-08. Northern Bullfinch, Eurasian Goldfinch, Azure Tit, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Common Crane.

2022-03-28. Smew, Long-tailed Duck.

2022-02-01. Hooded Crow, Hybrid Crow.

2022-01-31. Grey-Headed Woodpecker, Northern Bullfinch, Eurasian Nuthatch.

2022-01-24. Yellowhammer.

recent comments

2024-05-19. to photo # 09040020701 (Wood Sandpiper)

И. Фефелов: Фифи

2024-05-19. to photo # 09040020502 (Eastern Marsh-harrier)

И. Фефелов: Восточный лунь, самка, возраст, видимо, близ 2 лет (у годовалых маховые сейчас еще не линяли).

2024-05-19. to photo # 09040020801 (Common Sandpiper)

И. Фефелов: И слева белохвостый песочник

2024-05-19. to photo # 09040020901 (Long-toed Stint)

И. Фефелов: Длиннопалый песочник

2023-11-08. to photo # 09040020201 (Ural Owl)

Игорь Фефелов: Да

2023-11-08. to photo # 09040020201 (Ural Owl)

Виталий и Наталия Кравченко: Длиннохвостая неясыть?

2023-05-13. to photo # 09040020101 (Little Bunting)

Виталий и Наталия Кравченко: Спасибо!

2023-05-13. to photo # 09040020101 (Little Bunting)

Игорь Фефелов: Да, крошка

2023-05-13. to photo # 09040020101 (Little Bunting)

Цырен Ч.: Овсянка-крошка.

2023-04-29. to photo # 09040020001 (Red-throated Thrush)

Игорь Фефелов: Краснозобый

2023-04-23. to photo # 09040019801 (Northern Goshawk)

Артём: С добычей. Кого поймал?

2023-04-22. to photo # 09040019801 (Northern Goshawk)

Константин Самодуров: Тетеревятник.

2023-04-22. to photo # 09040019901 (Rustic Bunting)

Константин Самодуров: Да, пестрины на боку коричневые.

2023-04-22. to photo # 09040019901 (Rustic Bunting)

Виталий и Наталия Кравченко: Овсянка-ремез?

2023-04-15. to photo # 09040019601 (Eurasian Wigeon)

Вадим Ивушкин: Свиязь.

2022-05-03. to photo # 09040019001 (Greater White-fronted Goose)

Игорь Фефелов: Стоит поставить белолобого - он у нас куда реже встречается, чем туменники.

2022-05-02. to photo # 09040018501 (Pine Bunting)

Вадим Ивушкин: Белошапочная овсянка.

2022-05-02. to photo # 09040018301 (Pine Bunting)

Вадим Ивушкин: Белошапочная овсянка.

2022-05-02. to photo # 09040019402 (Bean Goose)

Вадим Ивушкин: Гуменник.

2022-05-02. to photo # 09040019001 (Greater White-fronted Goose)

Дмитрий Низовцев: Гуменики и белолобый крайний правый.

2022-05-02. to photo # 09040019001 (Greater White-fronted Goose)

Виталий и Наталия Кравченко: Не можем определить серых птиц (которых большинство на этом фото)

2022-05-02. to photo # 09040019401 (Bean Goose)

Виталий и Наталия Кравченко: Подскажите, пожалуйста, что за гусь?

2022-04-08. to photo # 09040018201 (Common Crane)

Игорь Фефелов: Да, противный ветер им сейчас СЗ, видимо, сносит к востоку - совсем против ветра они вряд ли хотят лететь, но хочется всё же двигаться в нужную [....]

2022-04-08. to photo # 09040018201 (Common Crane)

Виталий и Наталия Кравченко: Мы увидели их в самоом углу Еловского залива, летели они против ветра, скорее в сторону Пивоварихи, а не над Ангарой.

2022-04-08. to photo # 09040018202 (Common Crane)

Игорь Фефелов: Куда полетели? как обычно, вниз по бывшей Ангаре?

rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-06-24. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-19. Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova).

2024-06-17. Icterine Warbler (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-09. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-05. Northern Wren (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-04. Red-billed Chough (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-22. Thrush Nightingale (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-16. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Sergei Saveika).

2024-05-06. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-28. European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin), European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-04-22. Common Sparrowhawk (Sergei Saveika).

2024-04-13. Carrion Crow (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-04. Bohemian Waxwing (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-03-31. Steller's Sea-eagle (Konstantin Pupkin).

more video...

unidentified birds


Владимир Панкратов: Да, конечно, я попутал, решил, что это мое фото. А так мы вместе с Павлом его снимали.


Игорь Фефелов: Надхвостье там непонятно, то ли видно, то ли нет. Но переложить в неопределенные пока надо.


Анна Ясько: Тогда сложно сказать... Мне больше средиземноморскую напоминает.


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more unidentified birds...