483 286
1 057
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721 photographed species of 836 (86%)


Alexandrinsky Park in Peterhof. The first meeting.

2022-07-19| Nadezhda Fomicheva

Yesterday, walking in the park, I took a picture of an ordinary "new harvest" crook.He was in the thicket on the shore of the bay. After walking 50 meters, I saw a bird on the wires. I managed to take only 2 pictures, and even then of poor quality. I tried to identify it at home, and the Internet gave out that it was an ordinary crook. An adult bird. And this means that parents take care of their chicks even when they are already flying well and foraging themselves.
The bird on the wire has gray plumage on the head and brown on the back and sides.

1. An ordinary crook

2. An ordinary crook


# species number

1Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio)21-взрослая особь и 1-слёток

2022-07-20. Надежда Фомичева:

Это МОЯ первая встреча с обыкновенным жуланом на территории Ленинградской области

2022-07-21. Михаил Невский:


secret code

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