For few last days I could watch ducklings of three species of ducks. As usually, the "guide" was female, mom, and the ducklings followed her.
Mallard and ruddy shelduck ducklings were watched on 2020-06-13 in Terletsky park (Moscow). These species are usual in Moscow, so, it's likely that the ducks had nests on those ponds and in their environments.
In Lotoshino fish farm (Moscow area, Lotoshino distr.) I watched common goldeneye ducklings on 2020-06-06. The ducklings were sailing and even tried to dive. But experienced mom took them to the center of the pond. It's likely that the goldeneyes had nest infish farm environments.
1. 10 ruddy shelduck ducklings.
2. 4 mallard ducklings.
3. there are 3 goldeneye ducklings on the photo, but there were 4.
Здорово! Я вот сейчас тоже молодняк высматриваю. У черных дроздов уже 2-й выводок по огородам тусуется, у чеканов полно слетков, вчера сфотографировал слетка серой славки.
спасибо! вот у нас тоже очень много слетков, иной раз и на дорогу выбегают, хорошо если не подбирают люди, а просто относят подальше от дороги.
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