470 489
1 048
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719 photographed species of 836 (86%)


Vasik Olga

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map of photoshootings

total species: 201
total photos: 447
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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2. Long-tailed Rosefinch (2024-01-01)
3. Rosy-cheeked Bullfinch (2024-01-01)
4. Great White Egret (2024-01-01)
5. Marsh Tit (2024-01-01)
6. Common Redpoll (2024-01-01)
7. Rough-legged Buzzard (2024-01-01)
8. Asian Rosy-Finch (2024-01-02)
9. Great Spotted Woodpecker (2024-01-02)
10. Siberian Accentor (2024-01-02)
11. Eastern Buzzard (2024-01-04)
12. Pallas's Rosefinch (2024-01-04)
13. Oriental Greenfinch (2024-01-04)
14. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2024-01-04)
15. Common Raven (2024-01-04)
17. Northern Goshawk (2024-01-05)
18. Common Treecreeper (2024-01-05)
19. Eurasian Jay (2024-01-05)
20. Black Woodpecker (2024-01-05)
21. Meadow Bunting (2024-01-05)
22. Rustic Bunting (2024-01-05)
23. Eurasian Nuthatch (2024-01-05)
24. Common Pheasant (2024-01-06)
25. Chinese Grey Shrike (2024-01-06)
26. Ruddy Shelduck (2024-01-07)
27. Common Kestrel (2024-01-07)
28. Hen Harrier (2024-01-08)
29. Short-eared Owl (2024-01-08)
30. Daurian Jackdaw (2024-01-09)
31. Vega Gull (2024-01-11)
32. Eurasian Wigeon (2024-01-12)
33. Mallard (2024-01-12)
34. Bean Goose (2024-01-12)
36. Golden Eagle (2024-01-13)
37. Mew Gull (2024-01-13)
38. Glaucous Gull (2024-01-13)
39. Brown Dipper (2024-01-14)
40. Common Sparrowhawk (2024-01-14)
41. Grey Heron (2024-01-14)
42. Hill Pigeon (2024-01-15)
43. Horned Lark (2024-01-15)
44. White-Backed Woodpecker (2024-01-20)
45. Bohemian Waxwing (2024-01-20)
46. Long-tailed Tit (2024-01-20)
47. Cinereous Vulture (2024-01-20)
48. Chinese Spot-billed Duck (2024-01-22)
49. Steller's Sea-eagle (2024-01-27)
50. Slaty-backed Gull (2024-01-27)
51. Carrion Crow (2024-01-28)
52. Pallas's Reed Bunting (2024-02-10)
53. Pelagic Cormorant (2024-02-13)
54. Rook (2024-02-24)
55. Grey-Headed Woodpecker (2024-02-24)
56. Sky Lark (2024-02-24)
57. Upland Buzzard (2024-02-24)
58. Long-tailed Duck (2024-02-29)
59. Spectacled Guillemot (2024-02-29)
60. Coal Tit (2024-03-04)
61. Grey-capped Woodpecker (2024-03-04)
62. Pygmy Woodpecker (2024-03-04)
64. Japanese Waxwing (2024-03-09)
65. Common Coot (2024-03-17)
66. Large-billed Crow (2024-03-17)
67. Rock Pigeon (2024-03-17)
68. Common Teal (2024-03-17)
69. Goosander (2024-03-17)
70. Mandarin Duck (2024-03-17)
71. Smew (2024-03-17)
72. Great Cormorant (2024-03-17)
73. Baikal Teal (2024-03-19)
74. Common Pochard (2024-03-19)
75. Northern Reed Bunting (2024-03-20)
76. Northern Shoveler (2024-03-20)
77. Black-backed Wagtail (2024-03-21)
78. Gadwall (2024-03-21)
79. Peregrine Falcon (2024-03-21)
80. Oriental Stork (2024-03-21)
81. Northern Lapwing (2024-03-22)
82. Spotted Redshank (2024-03-22)
83. Common Sandpiper (2024-03-24)
84. Tufted Duck (2024-03-24)
85. White-winged Scoter (2024-03-24)
86. Northern Pintail (2024-03-28)
87. Common Moorhen (2024-03-30)
88. White-cheeked Starling (2024-03-30)
89. Eastern White Egret (2024-03-31)
90. Black Kite (2024-03-31)
91. Daurian Redstart (2024-04-01)
92. Yellow-throated Bunting (2024-04-01)
93. Naumann's Thrush (2024-04-01)
94. Dusky Thrush (2024-04-01)
95. Hoopoe (2024-04-02)
96. Little Ringed Plover (2024-04-04)
97. Greater Scaup (2024-04-04)
98. Pin-tailed Snipe (2024-04-04)
99. Common Snipe (2024-04-04)
100. Eastern Marsh-harrier (2024-04-06)
101. Far Eastern Curlew (2024-04-06)
102. White Wagtail (2024-04-06)
103. Black-crowned Night-Heron (2024-04-09)
104. Grey-backed Thrush (2024-04-11)
105. Great Crested Grebe (2024-04-13)
106. Kentish Plover (2024-04-13)
107. Bar-tailed Godwit (2024-04-13)
108. Common Oystercatcher (2024-04-13)
109. Great Knot (2024-04-13)
110. Chinese Yellow Wagtail (2024-04-13)
111. Grey Plover (2024-04-13)
112. Black-faced Bunting (2024-04-13)
113. Dunlin (2024-04-13)
114. Oriental Turtle Dove (2024-04-14)
115. Stejneger's Stonechat (2024-04-14)
116. Black-tailed Gull (2024-04-18)
117. Red-Necked Grebe (2024-04-20)
118. Eurasian Wryneck (2024-04-20)
119. Red-flanked Bluetail (2024-04-20)
120. Goldcrest (2024-04-20)
121. Common Kingfisher (2024-04-21)
122. Common Redshank (2024-04-21)
123. Black-Billed Magpie (2024-04-21)
124. Barn Swallow (2024-04-21)
125. Garganey (2024-04-21)
126. Black-winged Stilt (2024-04-21)
127. Black-headed Gull (2024-04-25)
128. Brambling (2024-04-25)
129. Azure Tit (2024-04-25)
130. White-naped Crane (2024-04-25)
131. Red-throated Pipit (2024-04-27)
132. Long-toed Stint (2024-04-27)
133. Yellow-browed Warbler (2024-04-29)
134. Dusky Warbler (2024-04-29)
135. Olive-backed Pipit (2024-05-01)
136. Eurasian Hobby (2024-05-01)
138. Blue-and-white Flycatcher (2024-05-07)
139. Japanese Tit (2024-05-07)
140. Purple-backed Starling (2024-05-08)
141. Cattle Egret (2024-05-08)
142. Little Bunting (2024-05-08)
143. Common Tern (2024-05-09)
144. Red Crossbill (2024-05-09)
145. Chestnut-eared Bunting (2024-05-09)
146. Asian Brown Flycatcher (2024-05-10)
147. Eurasian Penduline-Tit (2024-05-10)
148. Chinese Grosbeak (2024-05-10)
149. Forest Wagtail (2024-05-10)
150. Little Grebe (2024-05-10)
151. Little Egret (2024-05-10)
152. Common Cuckoo (2024-05-10)
153. Lesser Sand Plover (2024-05-12)
154. Curlew Sandpiper (2024-05-12)
155. Rufous-necked Stint (2024-05-12)
156. Ruddy Turnstone (2024-05-12)
157. Brown Shrike (2024-05-12)
158. Grey-tailed Tattler (2024-05-12)
159. Wood Sandpiper (2024-05-12)
160. Common Greenshank (2024-05-12)
161. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (2024-05-12)
162. Osprey (2024-05-12)
163. Pied Harrier (2024-05-14)
164. Terek Sandpiper (2024-05-14)
165. Little Tern (2024-05-15)
166. Marsh Sandpiper (2024-05-15)
167. Grey-streaked Flycatcher (2024-05-18)
168. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (2024-05-18)
169. Black-faced Spoonbill (2024-05-19)
170. Eurasian Spoonbill (2024-05-19)
171. Black-tailed Godwit (2024-05-19)
172. Pacific Swift (2024-05-19)
173. Thick-billed Warbler (2024-05-25)
174. Manchurian Bush-Warbler (2024-05-25)
175. Ural Owl (2024-05-27)
176. Oriental Reed-warbler (2024-05-27)
177. Oriental Pratincole (2024-05-28)
178. Indian Cuckoo (2024-06-02)
179. Red Phalarope (2024-06-09)
180. Spotted Nutcracker (2024-06-09)
181. Common Rosefinch (2024-06-09)
182. Great Tit (2024-06-10)
183. Taiga Flycatcher (2024-06-10)
184. Siberian Flycatcher (2024-06-11)
185. Grey Wagtail (2024-06-11)
186. Yellow-breasted Bunting (2024-06-12)
187. Tufted Puffin (2024-06-14)
188. Oriental Cuckoo (2024-06-18)
189. Horned Puffin (2024-06-19)
190. Black-legged Kittiwake (2024-06-19)
191. Common Guillemot (2024-06-19)
192. Brunnich's Guillemot (2024-06-19)
193. Green-headed Wagtail (2024-06-20)
194. Slavonian Grebe (2024-06-20)
195. Arctic Loon (2024-06-24)
196. Whooper Swan (2024-06-24)
197. Falcated Duck (2024-06-24)
198. Red-breasted Merganser (2024-06-24)
199. Harlequin Duck (2024-06-24)
200. Red-throated Loon (2024-06-26)
201. Common Goldeneye (2024-06-26)

recent uploads

2024-07-05. Arctic Loon, Red-throated Loon, Whooper Swan, Falcated Duck, Osprey, Common Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser, Harlequin Duck.

2024-07-04. Pelagic Cormorant, Tufted Puffin, Oriental Cuckoo, Common Rosefinch, White Wagtail, Horned Puffin, Black-legged Kittiwake, Common Guillemot, Common Guillemot, Brunnich's Guillemot, White-winged Scoter.

2024-07-03. Great Tit, Red Phalarope, Taiga Flycatcher, Siberian Flycatcher, Grey-streaked Flycatcher, Olive-backed Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Spotted Nutcracker, Sky Lark, Common Sparrowhawk, Yellow-breasted Bunting, Common Raven, Common Raven, Common Raven, Spectacled Guillemot, Far Eastern Curlew, Wood Sandpiper, Green-headed Wagtail, Green-headed Wagtail, Slavonian Grebe, Eurasian Hobby.

2024-06-04. Indian Cuckoo, Chestnut-eared Bunting.

2024-05-30. Oriental Pratincole, Black-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Terek Sandpiper, Ural Owl, Thick-billed Warbler, Manchurian Bush-Warbler, Oriental Reed-warbler.

2024-05-20. Pacific Swift.

2024-05-19. Black-faced Spoonbill, Eurasian Spoonbill, Grey-streaked Flycatcher, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Black-tailed Godwit.

2024-05-15. Lesser Sand Plover, Curlew Sandpiper, Rufous-necked Stint, Ruddy Turnstone, Brown Shrike, Grey-tailed Tattler, Wood Sandpiper, Rufous-necked Stint, Dunlin, Common Greenshank, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Pied Harrier, Terek Sandpiper, Little Tern, Spotted Redshank, Marsh Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Osprey, Eastern Crowned Leaf-warbler, Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Japanese Tit, Black-faced Bunting, Little Bunting, Olive-backed Pipit, Eurasian Hobby.

2024-05-12. Asian Brown Flycatcher, Eurasian Penduline-Tit, Eurasian Penduline-Tit, Chinese Grosbeak, Chinese Grosbeak, Forest Wagtail, Little Grebe, Little Egret, Common Cuckoo, Common Tern, Red Crossbill, Purple-backed Starling, Cattle Egret, Chestnut-eared Bunting.

2024-05-11. Yellow-browed Warbler.

2024-04-30. Red-throated Pipit, Long-toed Stint.

2024-04-29. Northern Goshawk, Yellow-browed Warbler, Rustic Bunting, Rustic Bunting, Dusky Warbler.

2024-04-28. Spotted Redshank.

2024-04-26. Black-headed Gull.

Big Year 2024

1. Andrey Chernykh (282)
2. Nataliya Pokhodzey (258)
3. Nina Shteinbrenner (254)
4. Alexandr Balaev (240)
5. Olga Fattakhova (234)
6. Andrey Semenov (227)
7. Svetlana Morozkina62 (214)
8. Alexey Sizov (209)
9. Olga Vasik (201)
10. Andrey Bazdyrev (197)

rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Eastern Marsh-harrier (Circus spilonotus)

© Konstantin Samodurow

A record well west from the main range/

Chinese Spot-billed Duck (Anas zonorhyncha)

© Alexandr Kochetkov
Novosibirskaya oblast

The 2nd photo-record in Altaisky Kray.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-06-24. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-19. Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova).

2024-06-17. Icterine Warbler (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-09. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-05. Northern Wren (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-04. Red-billed Chough (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-22. Thrush Nightingale (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-16. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Sergei Saveika).

2024-05-06. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-28. European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin), European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-04-22. Common Sparrowhawk (Sergei Saveika).

2024-04-13. Carrion Crow (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-04. Bohemian Waxwing (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-03-31. Steller's Sea-eagle (Konstantin Pupkin).

more video...

unidentified birds


Светлана Морозкина: Спасибо ,Игорь , буду знать .


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Андрей Журавлев: На переднем плане то ли поручейник, то ли фифи.


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