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1 056
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719 photographed species of 836 (86%)


Vyalkov Andrey

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total species: 210
total photos: 378
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Peregrine Falcon (2024-01-02)
2. Asian Rosy-Finch (2024-01-02)
3. Common Redpoll (2024-01-02)
4. Snow Bunting (2024-01-02)
5. Eurasian Nuthatch (2024-01-02)
6. Harlequin Duck (2024-01-02)
7. Rosy-cheeked Bullfinch (2024-01-04)
8. Great White Egret (2024-01-04)
9. Northern Hazelhen (2024-01-04)
10. Rough-legged Buzzard (2024-01-04)
11. Common Kestrel (2024-01-04)
12. Pine Bunting (2024-01-04)
13. Golden Eagle (2024-01-04)
14. Grey-Headed Woodpecker (2024-01-05)
15. Brown Dipper (2024-01-07)
16. Northern Wren (2024-01-07)
17. Oriental Greenfinch (2024-01-11)
18. Pallas's Rosefinch (2024-01-11)
19. Upland Buzzard (2024-01-14)
20. Yellow-throated Bunting (2024-01-14)
21. Japanese Reed Bunting (2024-01-14)
22. Hen Harrier (2024-01-14)
23. Northern Goshawk (2024-01-14)
24. Grey-capped Woodpecker (2024-01-16)
25. Common Treecreeper (2024-01-16)
26. Glaucous-winged Gull (2024-01-17)
27. Chinese Grey Shrike (2024-01-18)
28. Ural Owl (2024-01-26)
29. Eastern Buzzard (2024-01-26)
30. Hawfinch (2024-01-26)
31. Blue Rock Thrush (2024-01-30)
32. Solitary Snipe (2024-02-03)
33. Bohemian Waxwing (2024-02-08)
34. Common Pheasant (2024-02-13)
35. Northern Shoveler (2024-02-17)
36. Mallard (2024-02-17)
37. Red-breasted Merganser (2024-02-17)
38. White-Backed Woodpecker (2024-02-25)
39. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2024-03-04)
40. Slaty-backed Gull (2024-03-07)
41. Falcated Duck (2024-03-08)
42. Chinese Spot-billed Duck (2024-03-08)
43. Common Coot (2024-03-09)
44. Japanese Waxwing (2024-03-09)
45. Gadwall (2024-03-16)
46. Eurasian Wigeon (2024-03-16)
48. Bean Goose (2024-03-16)
49. Baikal Teal (2024-03-17)
50. Long-billed Plover (2024-03-19)
51. Spotted Redshank (2024-03-19)
52. Goosander (2024-03-19)
53. Smew (2024-03-19)
54. Grey Heron (2024-03-19)
55. Common Pochard (2024-03-19)
56. Black-tailed Gull (2024-03-19)
57. Common Teal (2024-03-19)
58. Northern Lapwing (2024-03-20)
59. Rustic Bunting (2024-03-20)
60. Mandarin Duck (2024-03-24)
61. Dusky Thrush (2024-03-25)
62. White-cheeked Starling (2024-03-25)
63. Black-headed Gull (2024-03-26)
64. Sky Lark (2024-03-26)
65. Tufted Duck (2024-03-26)
66. Common Starling (2024-03-29)
67. Hoopoe (2024-03-29)
68. Black-backed Wagtail (2024-03-29)
69. Common Moorhen (2024-03-31)
70. White Wagtail (2024-04-02)
71. Naumann's Thrush (2024-04-02)
72. Red-throated Thrush (2024-04-03)
73. Daurian Redstart (2024-04-04)
74. Eurasian Woodcock (2024-04-06)
75. Long-tailed Rosefinch (2024-04-07)
76. Grey-backed Thrush (2024-04-10)
77. Red-flanked Bluetail (2024-04-12)
78. White's Thrush (2024-04-12)
79. Pale Thrush (2024-04-12)
80. Grey Bunting (2024-04-13)
81. Asian Stubtail (2024-04-13)
82. Grey Wagtail (2024-04-13)
83. Large-billed Crow (2024-04-13)
84. Brambling (2024-04-14)
85. Pied Avocet (2024-04-15)
86. Little Ringed Plover (2024-04-15)
87. Dunlin (2024-04-15)
88. Great Crested Grebe (2024-04-15)
89. Greater Scaup (2024-04-15)
90. Olive-backed Pipit (2024-04-17)
91. Red-billed Starling (2024-04-17)
92. Pallas's Warbler (2024-04-18)
93. Eurasian Curlew (2024-04-18)
94. Coal Tit (2024-04-19)
95. Oriental Turtle Dove (2024-04-19)
96. Eastern White Egret (2024-04-19)
97. Eurasian Magpie (2024-04-19)
98. Red Crossbill (2024-04-20)
99. Grey-faced Buzzard (2024-04-21)
100. Black-winged Stilt (2024-04-21)
101. Common Redshank (2024-04-21)
102. Meadow Bunting (2024-04-21)
103. Mountain Hawk-Eagle (2024-04-25)
104. Yellow-browed Warbler (2024-04-26)
105. Blue-and-white Flycatcher (2024-04-28)
106. Little Bunting (2024-04-29)
107. Purple-backed Starling (2024-04-29)
108. Eyebrowed Thrush (2024-04-29)
109. Pelagic Cormorant (2024-04-29)
110. Dusky Warbler (2024-04-29)
111. Cattle Egret (2024-05-04)
112. Mugimaki Flycatcher (2024-05-04)
113. Common Shelduck (2024-05-08)
114. Long-toed Stint (2024-05-08)
115. Chinese Yellow Wagtail (2024-05-08)
116. Northern Reed Bunting (2024-05-08)
117. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (2024-05-08)
118. Pacific Golden Plover (2024-05-08)
119. Grey Plover (2024-05-08)
120. Far Eastern Curlew (2024-05-08)
121. Common Greenshank (2024-05-08)
122. Grey-tailed Tattler (2024-05-08)
123. Swinhoe's Robin (2024-05-11)
124. Yellow-browed Bunting (2024-05-11)
125. Siberian Flycatcher (2024-05-11)
126. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (2024-05-11)
127. Siberian Rubythroat (2024-05-11)
128. Terek Sandpiper (2024-05-13)
129. Wood Sandpiper (2024-05-13)
130. Lesser Sand Plover (2024-05-13)
131. Rufous-necked Stint (2024-05-13)
132. Pied Harrier (2024-05-13)
133. Common Kingfisher (2024-05-13)
134. Radde's Warbler (2024-05-15)
135. Rufous-bellied Woodpecker (2024-05-16)
136. Pygmy Woodpecker (2024-05-16)
137. Great Knot (2024-05-16)
138. Black-tailed Godwit (2024-05-16)
139. Eurasian Spoonbill (2024-05-16)
140. Vinous-throated Parrotbill (2024-05-18)
141. Asian Brown Flycatcher (2024-05-19)
142. Brown Shrike (2024-05-21)
143. Common Oystercatcher (2024-05-25)
144. Common Sandpiper (2024-05-25)
145. Striated Heron (2024-05-26)
146. Yellow-breasted Bunting (2024-05-28)
147. Stejneger's Stonechat (2024-05-28)
148. Oriental Reed-warbler (2024-05-28)
149. Black-browed Reed-warbler (2024-05-28)
150. Ruddy Shelduck (2024-06-03)
151. Yellowhammer (2024-06-04)
152. Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush (2024-06-08)
153. Tree Pipit (2024-06-08)
154. Common Rosefinch (2024-06-08)
155. Isabelline Wheatear (2024-06-08)
156. Fieldfare (2024-06-08)
157. Black-throated Thrush (2024-06-08)
158. Red-backed Shrike (2024-06-08)
159. Masked Wagtail (2024-06-09)
160. Eastern Imperial Eagle (2024-06-09)
161. Pied Wheatear (2024-06-09)
162. Eurasian Redstart (2024-06-09)
163. Ortolan Bunting (2024-06-09)
164. Godlewski's Bunting (2024-06-09)
165. Common Cuckoo (2024-06-09)
166. Horned Lark (2024-06-10)
167. Demoiselle Crane (2024-06-10)
168. Red-crested Pochard (2024-06-10)
169. Black Kite (2024-06-10)
170. Bar-headed Goose (2024-06-10)
171. Water Pipit (2024-06-10)
172. Citrine Wagtail (2024-06-10)
173. Red-billed Chough (2024-06-10)
174. Whooper Swan (2024-06-10)
175. Isabelline Shrike (2024-06-10)
176. Brown Accentor (2024-06-10)
177. Guldenstadt's Redstart (2024-06-11)
178. Twite (2024-06-11)
179. Pallas's Reed Bunting (2024-06-11)
180. Brandt's Rosefinch (2024-06-11)
181. Himalayan Accentor (2024-06-11)
182. Booted Warbler (2024-06-12)
183. Greater Sand Plover (2024-06-12)
184. Lesser Whitethroat (2024-06-12)
185. Greenish Warbler (2024-06-12)
186. Booted Eagle (2024-06-13)
187. Blyth's Pipit (2024-06-13)
188. Spotted Flycatcher (2024-06-13)
189. Mistle Thrush (2024-06-13)
190. Song Thrush (2024-06-13)
191. Siberian Stonechat (2024-06-13)
192. Northern Wheatear (2024-06-13)
193. Black Redstart (2024-06-13)
194. Sand Martin (2024-06-14)
195. Common Buzzard (2024-06-15)
196. European Bee-eater (2024-06-15)
197. Blyth's Reed Warbler (2024-06-15)
198. Grey-headed Goldfinch (2024-06-15)
199. Common Chaffinch (2024-06-15)
200. Yellow Wagtail (2024-06-17)
201. Richard's Pipit (2024-06-19)
202. Lanceolated Warbler (2024-06-21)
203. Oriental Stork (2024-06-22)
205. Tiger Shrike (2024-07-03)
206. Broad-billed Sandpiper (2024-08-27)
207. Osprey (2024-08-27)
208. Eurasian Whimbrel (2024-09-03)
209. Red Phalarope (2024-09-03)
210. Temminck's Stint (2024-09-08)

recent uploads

2024-09-08. Temminck's Stint, Common Greenshank, Rufous-necked Stint, Long-toed Stint, Eurasian Whimbrel, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Terek Sandpiper, Osprey, Red Phalarope, Common Pheasant.

2024-07-03. Tiger Shrike, Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, Lanceolated Warbler, Oriental Stork, Ortolan Bunting, Tree Pipit, Blyth's Reed Warbler, Grey-headed Goldfinch, Common Chaffinch, Blyth's Pipit, Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhammer, Unkown Bird, Common Rosefinch, Tree Pipit, Meadow Bunting, Pine Bunting, Masked Wagtail, Godlewski's Bunting, Ortolan Bunting, Horned Lark, Citrine Wagtail, Water Pipit, Twite, Pallas's Reed Bunting, Asian Rosy-Finch, Brandt's Rosefinch, Booted Warbler, Booted Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Greenish Warbler, Richard's Pipit, Tree Pipit, Tree Pipit, Tree Pipit.

2024-06-29. Eastern Imperial Eagle, Common Buzzard, Booted Eagle, Black Kite, Upland Buzzard, Goosander, Ruddy Shelduck, Red-crested Pochard, Bar-headed Goose, Whooper Swan, Bar-headed Goose, Goosander, Spotted Flycatcher, Sand Martin, European Bee-eater, Red-backed Shrike, Common Cuckoo, Demoiselle Crane, Common Redshank, Red-billed Chough, Pacific Golden Plover, Eurasian Spoonbill, Brown Accentor, Himalayan Accentor, Isabelline Shrike, Brown Shrike, Greater Sand Plover, Pied Avocet, Black Redstart, Northern Wheatear, Common Stonechat, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Common Stonechat, Black-throated Thrush, Fieldfare, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Pied Wheatear, Eurasian Redstart, Guldenstadt's Redstart, Isabelline Wheatear, Isabelline Wheatear.

2024-05-30. Yellow-breasted Bunting, Common Pheasant, Stejneger's Stonechat, Oriental Reed-warbler, Black-browed Reed-warbler.

2024-05-28. Common Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper, Striated Heron.

2024-05-23. Asian Brown Flycatcher, Purple-backed Starling, Brown Shrike, Cattle Egret.

2024-05-18. Radde's Warbler, Pygmy Woodpecker, Great Knot, Black-tailed Godwit, Eurasian Spoonbill, Pied Harrier, Spotted Redshank, Vinous-throated Parrotbill, Grey Plover.

2024-05-17. Rufous-bellied Woodpecker.

2024-05-16. Rufous-bellied Woodpecker.

2024-05-15. Swinhoe's Robin, Yellow-browed Bunting, Siberian Flycatcher, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Hawfinch, Siberian Rubythroat, Oriental Greenfinch, Terek Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Lesser Sand Plover, Rufous-necked Stint, Pied Harrier, Common Kingfisher.

2024-05-11. Long-toed Stint, Chinese Yellow Wagtail, Northern Reed Bunting, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Pacific Golden Plover, Grey Plover, Far Eastern Curlew, Common Greenshank, Grey-tailed Tattler.

2024-05-09. Common Shelduck.

2024-05-06. Pied Avocet, Cattle Egret, Mugimaki Flycatcher.

2024-04-29. Mountain Hawk-Eagle, Little Bunting, Purple-backed Starling, Eyebrowed Thrush, Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Blue Rock Thrush, Pelagic Cormorant, Dusky Warbler, Olive-backed Pipit, Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler.

2024-04-22. Grey-faced Buzzard.

rare birds records

Great White Egret (Casmerodius albus)

© Vasiliy Dugintsov

The 1st find of the Great White Egret's net in the Amur Region.

Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis)

© Igor Fefelov
Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, Irkutsk Region

The 3rd record in the Irkutsk Region, the first record of two individuals together.

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

© Aleksey Bolshakov

The photoconfirmation of the Moorhen's breeding in the Irkutsk Region.

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)

© Dmitry Nizovtsev
inter-settlement territories of the Uvatsky municipal district, Tyumen region

The northernmost photo-recotd of this species in the Western Siberia at the website.

more rarities...

recent video

2024-09-11. Dunlin (Vadim Sinukhin).

2024-09-10. Ural Owl (Galina Katanova).

2024-07-31. Lesser Grey Shrike (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-07-13. Northern Bullfinch (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-24. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-19. Corncrake (Nadia Goncharova).

2024-06-17. Icterine Warbler (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-09. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-06-05. Northern Wren (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-06-04. Red-billed Chough (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-22. Thrush Nightingale (Alexandr Balaev).

2024-05-16. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Sergei Saveika).

2024-05-06. Goosander (Andrey Borodkin).

2024-04-28. European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin), European Robin (Vadim Sinukhin).

more video...

unidentified birds


Игорь Фефелов: Справа вроде фифи, а вот слева... На первом фото походит на щеголя, но ноги-то не красные и даже не красноватые... На втором и на щеголя не походит.Фифи [....]


Игорь Фефелов: То ли лесной конек, то ли пятнистый


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Дмитрий Шевцов: Болотная


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